Saturday, August 07, 2004


street parade ( is the biggest party zurich sees every year, and was definitely worth checking out. there was some funky music on offer, but it felt like it would have been more suited to 3am than 3pm. good to see everyone out having a fun, friendly, and tolerant party-time!


Blogger Hiren Joshi said...

Looks like a pretty awesome party. Nice looking design for the blog by the way - elegant and classy!

4:07 am  
Blogger Hiren Joshi said...

Another comment (on the same story on less)! Did you go to see Lamb the night before streetparade?

9:14 am  
Blogger benjamin said...

no lamb for me, and i'm kicking myself. saved up for a big saturday night party with the million minions, which was fun, but somehow lacking. some things get more when they're bigger, others get less.

10:13 pm  

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