Sunday, July 31, 2005

goodbye lubjub

not quite as hot as saturday, but still there was no room for anything but the slowest walk possible.

there were surprises in store though, and a brief shower made shell very happy indeed on our long slow stroll round town.

unfortunately though, she had to head back home to england on a mid afternoon flight, so i was left to continue wandering. i just managed to keep myself entertained by taking pictures of more of my favourite ljubljana graffiti and street signs.

then there was a great 90 minute wait at the train station for my delayed train back to zürich.


Blogger Hiren Joshi said...

Wow. That's easier than actually doing the research I guess. It's an American number (I think), so you could possibly get a VOIPBuster account, and try ringing up in the middle of the night their time. Total cost to you: Zip.

3:18 pm  

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