Tuesday, October 05, 2004

john for pm!

no. not that john. i was actually quite excited today when i read he wanted to give more funding to schools (impressive enough!) to teach people arabic and indonesian! Wow - now the yoof of straya could have some cultural understanding of our northern neighbour and the middle east! there's nothing like being able to have a chat to help people get along.

but no. what he actually wants is to give more money to a special SPY school, so not only does the rest of the population outside the secret service not get to know any of the goss, but what's heard is used to spread mistrust and antagonism. good on you for promoting international trust, brother(and sister)hood and understanding little johnny.

not that kim beazley is much better. he wants to have more bomber planes. essential equipment for the development of australia's place in south-east asia those are!

and definitely not jon. he's been stuck in my head all evening after nasty lab-neighbour mario played his favourite ballads a couple of times each today.

i meant john. he's the man, the only one who can save australia (except maybe for bob brown). he's got everything it takes to be a quintessential modern politican - he's an ex-musician, a religious freak, and has his own tv show (or three). he could even be counted as a real-life voice-of-yoof.

sorry for the rant. (don't forget to vote - and make it count!)


Blogger Hiren Joshi said...

Thanks to the magic of the intarweb, the latest episodes of John Safran vs God should be available for download via BitTorrent. So go check SuprNova, or your favourite tracker aggregator, and download away!

1:54 am  

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